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Monday, May 23, 2016

Small apartment interior design hong kong

[music playing] i'm michael pozner, and i'man independent business consultant workingin new york city. and this is my apartment. my place is about 500 squarefeet, and it operates as both my home and my office. you know, in this 500 squarefoot space, i wanted to be able to live my day to day,which includes working here at my desk, but have enoughstorage capability that

everything could be put awayso that if i entertained at night, it didn't look like youwere coming into my office. i was working with darrick ona professional basis, and so we became friendly. and i said, i'd really liketo turn my apartment into something that wasmore practical. darrick borowski: i think whenwe first came in, the first thing we reacted to was how itkind of felt like he had the space crammed with allof these objects.

and they were alldoing their job. and we said, well, the spacecould do this job. we started with thiswall of storage. and then we carved out of thewall of storage space for an av unit and the desk. and everything's bespokefor the space. i think this desk isa great example. michael pozner: the hardestpiece of furniture to choose is actually, i guess,what they call the

entertainment unit. it was amazing that they foundthe piece that we have, because it's wood andit's white and it completely tied in. darrick borowski: the sleepingloft had to be super engineered so thatall the elements were as small as possible. michael pozner: we alsomade the stair-- a beautiful staircase--

and here what we did was wemade every stair a drawer. so again, we made storageout of something that wasn't there before. when we finished with the mainroom and the home office and the storage, and then the guyshad suggested this big volume of wood and to build everythinginto that so that when you walk in, you see thisvolume of wood, but behind one wooden door is the bathroom. behind another wood dooris the closet.

and then to open up thekitchen-- the kitchen used to just have a doorway tolead into it, but there was no reason. so they opened up that entranceway, which made the whole kitchen feelmuch larger. one of the things is that i'malways doing something like an artistic vignette, or likemy silly gorillas here. every piece is somewhat ofa conversation piece. you could get into every one ifyou want and what the story

is behind getting it. people come into my apartment,they walk in, and they're like, oh, cool space. or i really like yourspace, or i really like your apartment. and i'm like, thanks. it's only 500 square feet. for a lot of people, that's likea rec room in a basement for their kids.

and i'm definitely notwanting for anything. i don't want to be supermaterialistic. i want to think about whatmy overall footprint is. and a small space-- it works for me in terms of mymindset and my lifestyle. and so i'm very happy here. female speaker: are you asocial media darling? do you like to hang out onfacebook, twitter, pinterest, or even tumblr?

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